SupplyHawk was designed to help long-term care agencies manage inventory with ease. Our comprehensive system is equipped to handle numerous configurations with a mixture of stock rooms, single central supply rooms, or no stock rooms by utilizing patient requisitions and vendor-direct drop shipments. SupplyHawk coordinates with all of your buildings to provide a seamless workflow, handily packaged into a singular interface.
SupplyHawk offers a complete perpetual inventory system which accurately tracks supply inventories, transfers items, and maintains appropriate user-defined stock levels (reducing waste and risk of theft). Gain full control over your supplies with SupplyHawk’s meaningful analytics, showing you the exact value of your inventory, which locations are using the most products, and much more.
SupplyHawk is compatible with every major practice management system serving long-term care agencies. Our detailed cost-analysis reports can help control spending on an individual, facility, and branch-wide basis, saving hours of time spent on manual entry/eliminating data errors. No matter how you manage your agency’s spending, SupplyHawk has a solution for you.
SupplyHawk’s built-in ordering system is equipped to not only create electronic purchase orders, but create suggested orders based on real-time data as well. Whether it’s medical supplies, office supplies, or anything else, SupplyHawk provides a singular interface for purchasing from multiple vendors.
Contact Vanillaware today to discover the full range of options for managing your inventory with maximum efficiency!